The Guild 2 is a historical real-time strategy video game developed by 4HEAD Studios and published by JoWooD Entertainment. This wiki is dedicated to the game The Guild 2 and its expansions Pirates of the European Seas (PotES), Venice, and Renaissance. Use an anti-blacklisting tool, like Y.A.S.U v1.2, to avoid blacklisting of DAEMON Tools. Mount the NS_G2PE_POSEDEN.MDS Mini-Image in DAEMON Tools v4.09. Install Pirates of the European Seas Add-On - Full Installation. Another office seat was added in politics and office income was increased. Trading is improved through better trading routes and a completely reworked sales counter. The Mod "Trade, War, Politics" strives to improve the economic aspects of The Guild 2: Renaissance. The Guild II - Pirates Of The European Seas Patch